Write for Us

Why Write for Us?

Soak and Soothe  provides  caregivers, boomers and seniors with insightful tips and advice on “Aging in Place” at home with a key focus on Bathing and Spa Living. Along with tips and advice, we provide detailed reviews of products for the 50 plus crowd who want to enjoy living independently at home, whether simply or stylishly, but in comfort.

Benefits of Guest Writing on SoakandSoothe.com?

  • Backlinks to your site
  • Promotion of your article through social media
  • Increased traffic to your website or blog

Guidelines for Guest Posting on our Blog

  • Articles must be unique, 100% original and not published elsewhere on the internet.
  • Articles will be checked for plagiarism.
  • Articles/posts should be at least 600 words in length
  • Please edit your content for spelling and grammar before you submit.
  • Text links keywords that compete with this website will be accepted.
  • Please include a short 2- 3 sentence bio.
  • Maximum 2 links in the content that go to different pages on your site. One must be in the bio. Both can be in the bio as well.
  • Subjects must be related and relevant to the topics listed below.
  • Please submit one or more images in your post, maximum of 400 px wide.
  • Interesting Headlines to encourage readership.
  • Break up the body of the article into short paragraphs, sub-headlines and bulletted text where appropriate.
  • Photo credits MUST be included. Please do not take images from other websites where you do NOT have permission.
  • Videos from YouTube or other sites are welcome.
  • Please send the article/post as a .doc attachment and not in the body of the email
  • Photos to be separate from body of post.
  • We reserve the right to edit content as needed.

Topics to Think About:

  • Bathing and Spa related topics only as it relates to Aging in Place for the 50 plus, Boomers, Seniors, Elderly and the Infirm.
  • How to Articles as it relates to the first item (Please see our How to Guides for samples).
  • Your personal experiences as a Caregiver (as it relates to the first item).
  • By perusing the website, you can get an overall feel of the topics covered.

Still have questions?

Please feel free to reach out and we will be more than happy to answer your questions or concerns.

Email us at info(at)soakandsoothe(dot)com with ‘GUEST POST’ in the subject line  or fill out the contact us form here.